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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Drapes and Rods

How far should curtain rods extend beyond the window? Are there certain curtains that are appropriate for the living room vs. the bedroom?

   Every window is going to be different, but here are a few pointers and tricks to follow. When deciding where to hang your curtain rod there are a couple options for a standard window. Hang the rod at least 4" above the window frame, or at the ceiling. (If you have crown molding, and your opting for the ceiling height hang them below the molding.) There is not an exact answer on how far you should extend you drapes beyond the window. However here are a few tricks to ponder upon....

  • When dealing with low ceilings, hanging the drapes at the ceiling will make your ceilings appear higher. This will give your room an overall larger look.
  • If you are working with a room that has one window or small windows; you can create an optical illusion by extending the drapes a significant amount past your window frame.  This will trick your subconscious it thinking the window is larger, which in return makes your space feel larger and brighter.
  • Always take your drapes to the floor. This gives your room a finished look. (In the early 1900's the status of someones wealth was by how much their drapes puddled on the floor. The bigger the puddle the richer you were. The wealthy would purchase draperies that were longer than their actual walls. It would collect (puddle) on the floor. This was a statement showing how much money they could spend on luxurious fabrics for no reason.
There are many different styles of drapes. It really comes to personal preference and the space. All styles of draperies are appropriate for your bedroom, living, and dining room. If you have a question pertaining to your room send me a picture, and I will gladly guide you in the right direction.

Drapes at least 4" above window frame

Ceiling mounted drapes

Window illusion
Puddled drapes

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